Artists' Open House - Dulwich Festival 2012
I wholly recommend you take the time to visit to this living art piece, The Recycled House. First and foremost, it's a real home. It is also a living & ever changing installation piece, conceived and constructed by the creative pair of Kate Shipp and Mark Hill.
The Dulwich Festival gives us a brief (one week-end only) opportunity to see this amusing and captivating space. Imagine a house decorated by Sir John Soane but sourced by Albert Steptoe. The interior is full of items saved literally from skips and scoured at boot sales. Items swapped, traded and made from salvaged materials or scrap, things most of us would overlook.
Do cast your eyes downwards as you cross the threshold. That wood-block floor was not so long ago a humble roof joist, now all carefully sliced into tiles and laid by hand. It's an insight into the couple's ethos of re-use, and one where any material has possibilities.
They themselves describe the house as;
"illustrating the possibility of living elegantly whilst reducing the environmental impact"
I personally think it forces you look at things in a new light, it's a mirror of how disposable we've become as a society. It pulls you up, it makes you consider anew. And I know I feel better for it.
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In the photo, Kate Shipp & Mark Hill |
I've personally been to the house a number of times and each time I discover a new part I'd overlooked before (though it may well have never been there in that guise, such is the nature of change here).
In all it gives you a heady flood of images and objects to view; be warned though, this is no trip to Ikea.
Also much of what you see is for sale, the house acting as both home and Gallery.
Mark is a working Artist & trader, so don't be surprised to find price tags on your tea cups or cake stands.
Do ask to see his other work too; it's there on the walls, with much more hidden in the plan chests.
Look (or more succinctly listen) out for their other project METAMONO. An Electronic three-piece music collective, playing one off gigs and the Festival circuit.
Of course all this looking (and listening: Metamonos' latest 10" single is on sale here) can be both exciting and exhausting. So, to revive your spirits Kate & Mark set up shop in the garden, serving tea & home-baked cakes on alice-in-wonderland style cake stands ( yes, Kate & Mark make and sell these too )
All this reviving refreshment, served in the tranquility of the garden, gets you ready for another look at this truly unique house.
Lastly, there's usually a little Pop-Up shop in the garden to feast your eyes on.
Bring some cash or a cheque book, as the The Recycled House is a gem of a visit.
Open on 12-13th May Only
No need to book
The house is at
4 Longton Avenue SE26 *click on for a map near to the beautiful Sydenham Wells park
It's easy to get to by car, bus or train * see links
By train, head for Sydenham in SE26 on the fantastic new overground Train Service and it's about a 10 minute walk from the station.
Buses from Crystal Palace run every 10 minutes.
Contact details
And, maybe I'll see you there....